I was hoping to upload some sweet video content, but a certain drummer of mine forgot the firewire card at home, so you'll only be getting video blogs once we get back. Highlights will include the funnest time I've ever had with Share, Pinky teaching an interesting lady how to play the rock n roll and us generally being bored in vans and parking lots.
Well we're on tour for six days to promote our newest release,
King Diamond, which you can procure at no cost from our
It hasn't been the best of times, but it hasn't been the blurst of times either.
On Monday morning, after a 10:30am rehearsal in our parking garage practice spot, we started heading West. It was definitely a long day as we drove all the way from Halifax to Ottawa, arriving at our dear friend Chris' house around the 2:00am mark.
Tuesday we drove to Peterborough where we met up with our partners in crime and musical boyfriends,
Share, who are also on the road promoting their radical new album
Slumping In Your Murals. I can't say I've ever really had the best of times in Peterborough - I've played to a total of maybe 20 people there combined in my touring history with Sleepless Nights. I added a total of 5 to that this time around. By the end of our set, we were playing to Share, the bartender and the soundguy. Awesome.
All that being said though, it was a really fun X1000% due to the fact that we were hanging out with Share and all engaged in the never-dull game of trying to make each other laugh during our respective sets. For example, Pinky and I stared down Andrew for an entire song. No blinks. No smiles. Right at the front of the stage. Then, we proceeded to sing the Jenn Grant back-up part on the song "Broader" horribly off key, yet noticeably loud.
Share won the competition, however, when Dennis took his shirt off, and played the meanest most aggressive banjo-tawngin' I have ever seen during "Got Caught." Share 1, Sleepless Nights not 1.
We ended up sleeping in a room in a boarding house above the bar which also doubled as the band room. Needless to say, it wasn't a pleasant night's rest as we were indeed kept sleepless by the sounds of people puking, banging on doors, and breaking up. Toronto couldn't come soon enough.
On Wednesday morning, we drove over to the motel where the fancy pants' in Share were staying because they were sweet enough to invite us over to take showers in their hotel room once they had gotten ready. Showering is a luxury on the road, so we relished the opportunity.
After some eats, we drove to Toronto where we took a stroll through Kensington Market before we picked up our swank new tshirts and hoodies. The shirts feature the design in the image above. Here is our good friend Keith Hamilton providing modeling duties:

We played at The Boat in the heart of the market with Share again, and an amazing band called
Ford Pier, whose guitar player/singer - by the way - has an
impressive history.
The show was considerably better than the previous night, and we got to see some old friends (Jo, Kendall, Keith!) and make some new ones. Because people were actually there to see the show, there was a more serious tone to the night, and all the bands played ripping sets.
We stayed with good ol' Keith, and went out for breakfast at Sneaky Dees where we got to meet up with ex-Sleepless Nights drummer, current Best Man member, Mary.
Right now we're hanging out in a Guelph coffee shop and patiently awaiting load in at the Jimmy Jazz where we're playing a show with our friends,
Cursed Arrows.
PS - It's super cold in Ontario and its giving snow tonight. Balls.